Saturday, November 22, 2014

Music from Bones Season 4

I haven't been feeling well for a while so I've been spending a lot of days in bed and watching Bones season 4.  I really love this show and all the good music they use.  Many of the great songs they use don't get full play.  They sometimes just use it in the background or just play a few seconds of the music with no singing for effect.  Of course, I have learned that some of the music they use isn't good any other way.  I like to collect the songs I liked here and then come back and listen to them again. This isn't an all inclusive list.  If I don't like it (or if it isn't new to me) I don't include it.  The music that really captures me will get purchased and downloaded or in some cases I have to search for the actual CD and order it and then WAIT for the mail.  That seems so archaic these days.

I loved this song from Episode 1 although the OooooOooooo's get on my nerves

With the graceful and grotesque the morning rings
Hear the garbage truck roll by
Hear the birds begin to sing
Their song of love and praise
And may their happy sound
Be strong enough to raise
Our spirits off the ground
Or love don't stand a ghost of a chance

I'm on the trail of a storm and everywhere I look
Appear the ones that life has torn
Like pages from a book
Left to soldier on
No shoulder for to lean I'd be lost without a song
But if your love wasn't there for me
I just wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance

From where I sit
There's too many eyes crying tears
Too many lives living in fear
Wondering where their sweet dreams have all gone
Too many hands stirring the pot In a land of haves and have-nots All wondering why it's all gone wrong

Now as the ballet and burlesque commence to play
Give to me the strength to act
And not look the other way
For there's a war outside
Can't take it lying down
Got to look it in the eye
We've got to stand our ground
Or love don't stand a ghost of a chance
Love don't stand a ghost of a chance

Lyrics from

This song really makes me think of myself living with Fibromyalgia.  It really does feel like "everything is slipping away" and I am always "just trying to stay on the ground."

From Episode 4

From Episode 5

I have never heard of Katie Gray before but I love her beautiful voice.  I will definitely be looking up more music by her.  I also love the Eastern Indian sound. The way they sing and the rhythms are so enticing to me.

From Episode 7

From Episode 8

From Episode 9

Maybe I'm just cranky but I really don't like the way she sings "what am I supposed to do-oooo-oo with you"  but other than that it isn't as bad song.  Too bad that is such a huge but.

From Episode 11

This is another artist that I'll be looking into.  I have already found more music by him that I like.  There is a song called Let it Rain that I really love.

From Episode 12

From Episode 14

From Episode 17

From Episode 18

From Episode 20

From Episode 24

From Episode 25

This song was interesting.  On the show Dr. Lance Sweets (John Francis Daley) and his band "Gormagon" performed this song and I was thinking how cool it was that he was actually singing.  In the credits it said the song was by the Dayplayers, a band from Los Angeles, California, but I was sure that was the voice of the actor.  It turns out that John aka Sweets sings and plays the piano and other things for the band Dayplayers.  It seems they are not well known so I didn't find much about them but here is their self-titled EP released in Feb 2012 and a song called See it All that was released in Oct 2012,  It is pretty good stuff.

Now I'm going to snuggle back in bed and watch Season 5

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Temperature Scarf and the end of Bones Season 3

I just finished watching the last couple episodes of Bones Season 3.  Somehow, I think I missed watching those two episodes before.  I vaguely remember something happening and I couldn't watch the show where Booth got shot by the crazy stalker lady.  I remember telling my husband not to tell me anything because I was going to watch it later and then somehow I forgot about it.  There were some good older songs used in that episode (Episode 14) but sang by different people as bad karaoke. The surprising thing was the guy that sang Far Away (Nickleback) was Ace Young from American Idol Season 5.  He was pretty good and I liked him singing that song much better than the songs he sang on American Idol.  Also, the black man singing show tunes was Brandon Rogers from American Idol season 6.  He is the one that got too into the groove and missed some lyrics.  I really love his voice. Here he is on Ellen Degeneres right after being eliminated.  He starts singing at 2:36

From Episode 15 - Bad Luck by Social Distortion

I certainly don't need any Bad Luck.  I haven't been feeling so hot but hopefully catching up on some rest will help.  I've been working on my temperature scarf and just finished the month of October.  I got the idea from a blog post I read a few years ago.  I was going to link to it but it is gone now. Anyway, the idea is you figure out the range of possible temperatures for your area and divide it between colors of yarn you choose.  You choose how many and the colors can be whatever you want. Each day you check the temperature and work one row in the color for that temperature.  Son #1 helped me pick out the colors.  There are 12 different colors including black which will just be used to divide each month. We arranged the balls of yarn in a line to make a rainbow that would go from coldest temperatures to warmest and then he made a chart for me.

I was going to start with Jan 1st and do the whole year but my OCD tendencies kicked in and some things were bugging me. First of all that would be starting in the middle of the winter and the second thing was that temperature can fluctuate a lot during the day and night and varies between sources too. Do I use the temperature from noon or night or use the days high, low or mien temp? Anyway, to keep this on the shorter side I decided to use the Almanac website which will allow you to put in your zip code and look at past temperatures for your area.  Since this is a project I started with my son I asked him about the other questions.  We decided to start Aug 1st, 2014 because that is pretty much considered to be the beginning of fall for this area.  We decided to use the low temps during the cold months (Aug - March) and then switch to the high temps for the warmer months (April - July) to show the extremes in temperatures we get here.  We are calling it "Alaskan Extremes"

I am just doing 22 stitches of single crochet using a size G hook (4mm). I started with two rows of black and I'll be adding two rows of black between each month.  After I'm finished I'll add an edge in black all the way around.  My son helped me figure out that my scarf should end up being about 7 feet long.  It is a good idea to think about that before you get started.  I was originally going to crochet two rows for each day and adding 4 rows of black between each month and it would have been way too long.  Dr. Who would have been envious.

Below you can see a bad picture of the whole thing to this point.  We will definitely choose better colors next time.  We were limited to the colors the store had in stock at the time so it was hard to pick good colors to go together.  We definitely have too much green for this part of the scarf.  It looks like a military scarf.  Oh well, ya live and learn.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Fishy Business and Bones

I finally started feeling better yesterday and then I promptly overdid it.  Since the shoes with the arch support seemed to keep my feet from hurting I decided to get some exercise on my stationary bike.  I did 15 minutes while I read.  15 minutes is a lot for me.  I also did a load of laundry, mopped the bathroom floor and cleaned a little in the bathtub.  Then I told my husband we should go on a little date tomorrow and go eat somewhere.  I should never do that because every time I do I can never get out of bed the next day.  I hurt all night and couldn't sleep for a long, long time.  After I finally fell asleep I was out all day.

I woke up to an asthma attack around 7 pm.  That was fun.  <-- sarcasm  I can only assume it was set off by the bleach I used.  I really need to quit using that stuff.  

My husband was super sweet and made dinner.  He made potato soup in the crock pot and has Rhodes (frozen) bread rising.  If he didn't make something one of my boys would have.  Son #2 likes to cook things like pizza and spaghetti.  Son #1 often makes stir fry/fried rice or chicken fettuccine. I'm very blessed.  

I've been sitting here staring at my 55 gallon fish tank for a few minutes and trying to count my fish. Not long ago I bought about 16 or so new fish, including 6 male guppies. The prettiest one with the royal blue body and aqua tail was dead by morning but that was the only guppy I've removed.  Now there are only 2 swimming around but no floaters or sinkers.  I think Sid, the Bala shark, is getting hungry or something.  They said they should be fine in with him but since I'm not finding any dead guppies....  or parts of guppies...  hmmm  I need to turn the castle over but I hate to freak out Waldo the upside-down catfish and Raymond the super-skittish plecostomus.  I checked the water and things look good there.  I don't think I'll be buying any more guppies.  They were not intended to be feeder fish.  

The reason I ended up with a Bala shark is because I went into Petco (only place in town to get fish now besides Walmart) and they had some small ones.  My tank was almost empty since the ones I had were very old.  I asked about the Bala sharks (which were only about an inch long) and told them the size of my tank etc.  Well, she sold me 6 of them but didn't think it was important to tell me they could each get 10"!  My tank is not big enough for that but next morning a few were dead and I went back in to talk to them.  Turns out their tank had ich and a bunch at the store had died too.  I started to notice some white spots on a few of them and I treated the tank.  I ended up with only this one surviving out of the 6 and Sid still acts a little weird at times like it affected his widdle-bitty fish brain.  Sometimes he looks like he is chasing his tail going in tight circles.  He could be a circus fish! They told me to wait a certain amount of time (weeks) to let things normalize in the tank before getting more but insisted that I get at least 4 more so he can school.  When I finally went back in there there was a different girl and she looked at me like I was crazy.  She said they are like tinfoil barbs and get the same size (10 - 12").   So now I just have the one and he seems to doing okay. Since the other girl was obviously clueless I don't know if the weird spinning in circles thing is normal for that type of fish or not.  I *think* he seems to get agitated and swim around fast while kind of flipping side to side when he is hungry.  That is a guess but usually I put food in there and then he seems to settle down.  He eats a lot and seems to like blood worms the most.  I really like him so I'll keep him as long as I can.  If he starts eating or picking on my larger fishes I'll have to take him back for adopting out.  I'd be sad though.

Anyway, here are a few songs from Bones Season 3.

From Episode 5 - Young Men Dead by Black Angels 

I like the 70's psychedelic feel this group has.  If you like it and have some time you can keep listening.  This is a playlist with a TON of their music.

From Episode 7 - Bandstand in the Sky by Pete Yorn
It turns out that this song was written after the death of Jeff Buckley who drowned.  Very sad.

From Episode 8 - Sail Away by Madrugada

I just want to sail away
From it all
Freedom is impossible
This I know

From Episode 10 - a very fitting video called Bones by the Killers
My favorite part is at 3:10 - 3:12

From Episode 13- Fountain by Sara Lov
I hate to say it but I really find this song annoying.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Sleeping Beauty

I slept all day long after sleeping all night long.  I feel so cold and tired.  I'm going to take some vitamins and see if that helps.  I really hope I will feel better tomorrow.

This song is from Bones Season 3 Episode 5.   I like the song but I really don't like the guys voice.  I would love to hear it sung by someone else.  Sorry Adam Merrin.