Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Ignoring the News

I've been keeping myself busy indoors while trying not to jump to check the news constantly.  My husband works at the hospital so he will make sure I know the important stuff.  I just too stressed out about this stuff so I have to tune out for a while. 

I have a new picture of one of the doilies I made before.  Last time it was still on the blocking board so I thought I share a picture of it without all the hundreds of pins stuck in it.  My camera adds yellow to the picture so it looks a little different.  My kitchen counter is a light sage green and not chicken poop yellow.  The blue thread I used is a little bit darker than it looks there. 

Deckchen in Altrosa by R. Dobringer
Here is one I finished earlier but forgot to share.  This is a pattern in a book by Better Homes & Gardens called White Crochet.  

Diagonal Furrows Mat

I've made a bunch of washcloths this last week and I enjoy having something I don't have to think too much about to work on.  I just had this one pattern I've been dying to try though and it is a bit more complicated.  I needed 2 solid colors that contrast well to make it and all I had was variegated yarn or colors that are too similar so the last time I was at the craft store I picked up some yarn to make it.  It is a free pattern called Checker-Square Garter Dishcloth by Kayla Pins.  I did end up making it smaller since I don't like huge cloths.  I only cast on 39 and I worked 2.5 repeats stopping after R15 and knitting 2 rows of white and then binding off.  I like how it turned out and loved making it.  It is not difficult but just takes a little more attention.

I've also made a few crochet bookmarks with thread since I'm trying to use up some smaller bits of
thread that I have left over.  The first one I made hoping to use up the left over blue from that large doily I made but I still have 5 grams left, maybe enough for one more.  This is called Fan Bookmark by Crochetroo and if you follow the link to the pattern take note that the pattern at the top of the page uses UK Crochet terms.  She has it written with US Terms at the bottom of the page.  This is a lot easier than it looks so don't be intimidated.  I did make a few changes since I like to use size 10 cotton thread.  I added an extra chain to all the chain loops to make a little more room  I also made my tassel twice as long so it is 4 inches long finished instead of 2.  I like it and think I'll keep it for myself.  I do plan to make some more for gifts.  This is a great time for reading and I think a little surprise in the mail might bring a smile.

I hope everyone is staying safe. 


Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Right after my last post we had our first confirmed case of Covid 19 in Alaska.  I almost updated my last post but decided to wait and post a new one.  Now we have 3 confirmed cases here in Fairbanks, 1 in Anchorage, and 1 in Ketchican (5 total in Alaska).  I have cancelled my appointment to see my Rheumatologist in Anchorage and I'm going to just stay in my house.  They are closing places anyway so there isn't really anywhere to go.

Yesterday I went to the imaging center connected to the hospital to get my blood work done.  My husband thought it would be safer for me to go there since they are screening anyone who comes in.  No one is allowed to go in without an appointment or order for the lab and I'm not sure what they do if someone is sick but I was assured no one sick was there.  Some of the staff were wearing masks as a precaution.  I told them I take immuno-suppressant drugs and they got me in there after screening me and people were kept spaced out.  I felt so relieved seeing all the precautions they were taking.  By going there I was able to use the direct door to that area instead of walking through the hospital and there was hand sanitizer and wipes right there when you get in the door.  I am so glad to get that over and done with and hopefully my Rheumatologist will refill any drugs needed without seeing me now that he has the blood work.  

I did sneak into Michaels real quick to grab some yarn for some new projects and now I am not going to leave my house for a while.  My husband and 2 sons (adults) do have to work though so we have a place set up with hand sanitizer and lysol wipes by the door.  My husband works at the hospital in IT and my 2 sons both work at Fred Meyer (large chain grocery store plus other stuff similar to walmart super stores) so I really hope they don't get it and bring it home.  

It is so strange how everything is closing and everyone is so scared.  Our whole world is changing so fast.  We realized our bed was broken last night and we needed to get a new one.  We looked at the websites of a couple local stores and picked one out.  Today I called and talked to someone at Sadlers in Fairbanks.  Ashley was very kind and super helpful and I was able to order a bed and pay over the phone.  Ashley was very knowledgeable about the bed and was able to answer every question I had about it.  I didn't even need to go in but she said they actually do have it on the floor if I wanted to (even though the website doesn't show it as one available or displayed at he Fairbanks store.  In just one week they will deliver it AND put it together for us.  I'm extremely happy about that.  Thank you Sadlers and ASHLEY!  

So now I am going to attempt to relax and work on something and that is not going to be easy to do.  I ordered a new circular knitting needle to make something I have made once before.  I used 4 balls of cotton yarn (4 strands held together) to knit a rug for my bathroom.  I love that rug and how easy it is to wash.  Now I need a new rug for my kitchen and I'm going to make one in sage green to match my kitchen colors.  I used a pattern where they used fabric strips to knit the rug and I did make one but it was huge.  I really didn't like it that much either.  I really love the rug I made with cotton yarn.  

I have also been crocheting doilies.  That is really odd for me since I never like to make things that are just decorative.  Usually, if something isn't practical I lose interest in making it and usually don't finish.  Now though, I really feel like making things with thread.  I have some size 10 cotton thread and I've been using that AND enjoying it a lot even though I have to wear reading glasses all the time to see what I'm doing.  

Imbued Starweave
This is one that I made recently.  This pattern is called Imbued Starweave by Julia Hart.  It would have been bigger but I didn't have the right size thread.  I used size 10 cotton thread so mine is only around 7" across.  When I saw the picture of the pattern I saw thistle blooms so I decided to use 2 colors and I love how it turned out.  

I made another doily for my sister for her birthday this month and looked for one with the pineapple stitch because I know she likes that.  This one is Starfish Pineapple Doily and while the website the pattern was on is gone now the pattern can be found on the wayback machine website (click the linked title).  I couldn't find the right size hook when I made that one so I ended up using a bigger hook (by several sizes) so it would look a lot different with the right hook.
Starfish Pineapple Doily

The latest doily I made was more difficult because I couldn't find a pattern.  I fell in love with the picture but the pattern is in a German magazine and I couldn't figure out how to buy a copy.  I would still love to find a copy (of the whole magazine) so if anyone knows how I could get one, please let me know.  Anyway, I stared at the picture a really long time, with reading glasses.  I tried enlarging it but the quality is poor.  I ended up deciding it was probably all made of triple crochet stitches with a few single crochet here and there and chains.  After a lot of trial and error I ended up with this.  No disrespect to the designer and I would happily buy the pattern if there is some way to do so.  

Okay so now I need to think about my next project and also start a new book.  These are the things that will keep my mind off of the negative news.  I hope everyone can find a way to relax and hopefully enjoy some time at home.  

~Donna J

Friday, March 13, 2020

I'm have to say, I'm scared.

I know everyone is scared right now because of the Corona virus (Covid 19).  I also know some people believe everyone is overreacting and hoarding TP and masks.  Sure, it might seem silly to some but I really am scared.

I have an autoimmune disorder and take a biologic to suppress my immune system.  I take Humira but there are other kinds of drugs that do the same thing.  So my body's defense system has gone haywire and is attacking my own body, mainly my joints and connective tissues.  This causes me to have a lot of pain and fatigue every day, all the time.  Humira has turned down the level of pain to a more tolerable level but I also have to worry about getting infections.  I was told before I started it that I could get sick and end up in the hospital from things a healthy person could fight off on their own.  Since I have been taking Humira I have been sick a lot, even though I don't work and rarely leave my house.  Other people in my family go to work and pick up germs and bring them home and I get it every single time, no matter how hard I try to avoid it.  My two sons both work at a large chain store and my husband works at a hospital in IT.

I get a bad sinus infection nearly every time I get sick and I have to take antibiotics to fight them.  I also have to stop taking Humira so my body can fight it and then the pain starts to come back.  The last time I had a cold and sinus infection I had to take 2 rounds of antibiotics (the second was stronger) and I was off Humira for a full month and in really bad pain.

Okay, so I was due to take my next dose of Humira Sunday and I was scared to take it because of this whole pandemic.  I am supposed to go to an appointment with my Rheumatologist in two weeks which means I have to fly.  It's a short 45 minute flight but I'm worried.  We will stay in a hotel for one night and probably rent a car - lots of germy opportunities there.  So I asked my Rheumatologist if I should just skip taking the Humira.  He said there are no confirmed cases here in Alaska yet and no evidence for how the virus would affect anyone taking Humira so he thinks I should continue taking it but said "ultimately it is up to you."  So basically, he's covering his butt there.

I googled to see what else I could find out.  It seems there are no cases of anyone taking a biologic having the SARS virus so they really have no documented information about how it would affect someone but I think logic rules in this case.  I keep thinking about how sick I was from just a cold.  I got bronchitis and the worst sinus infection I've ever had.  I read online that there is also a risk, if people discontinue the biologic drugs, that the inflammation can damage organs, eyes, and other areas inside the body so they recommend people ask their doctors before stopping their medications. It really is a case by case thing so it depends on what each person's specific problem.

I just wonder, if the doctor was the one with this problem, what would they do?

I just read today that in my state they are closing schools, the university is closed to students, you can't even visit prisoners.  You can't visit the elderly homes and my church is no longer having meetings or sacrament.

Oh, and I am due to get my blood work checked so my doctor can review it at my appointment.  I hate going to the clinic because there are always sick people there coughing and sneezing.  I just want to hide in my closet until this whole thing is over but I would run out of my medications.  I can not get prescriptions renewed until I get blood work checked and go to my appointments.  The only good thing I have learned is that Medicare will cover any costs if I do catch the virus with no out of pocket from me.  I just hope I don't die. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

I am exhausted!

I decided to deep clean my kitchen.  I try to do that at least once a year and usually in January.  This year I was sick the first part of January and then we went on a vacation and I never got it done.  I decided to just buckle down and get it done at the beginning of March.  I'm pulling out everything from cabinets and wiping everything down inside and out.  Then I go through everything and pull out things I know didn't get used that year and tossing out expired food etc.  I have a box of stuff to donate and a huge amount of trash going out. I already cleaned the stove/oven as good as I can but I can't wait until we can get a new one.  Eventually we are getting laminate wood flooring put in too but that will have to wait until after things settle down with the stock market and this virus epidemic.

This year I'm having to re-evaluate everything I have in my kitchen.  Since I have Psoriatic Arthritis I am having problems pulling heavy dishes and bowls out of the cabinets.  I ordered a set of lighter plastic nesting bowls (I got this Kitchenaid 5 bowl set in pistachio) so they match my mixer and other things. I was hoping to get rid of my heavy ceramic mixing bowls.  Remember those Corelle Callaway (ivy) dishes that so many people had in the 90's?  I no longer have the dishes but I have the heavy ceramic mixing bowls, like this.  There are also 2 different sizes of covered casserole dishes.  I love them but I just can't lift them anymore.  I pulled them out to donate or gift and my husband didn't want them to go.  So that extra room I thought I was getting got filled back up.  I had him move them to the top shelf since I can't reach it anyway.  I need the stuff I use to go on the bottom shelf.  Stuff that gets used less often can go on the middle shelf.

Also, since I'm doing the keto diet I'm taking this time to remove some food from my cabinets that I can't have and no one else will eat.  I tend to feel guilty that something will go bad if I don't eat it and ruin my diet so I tossed it.  I moved my 5 pie plates and 4 bread pans to the dungeon cabinets over the refrigerator that no one can reach.  Well, my son Jared can and he's the one that put them up there.  At least I know where they are if I need them and they will be with the other stuff only used during the holidays.

I got a lot done today so I'm ready to go to bed.  My larger joints are aching so I may have overdone it.  I might have to take a rest day tomorrow but that's okay.  I need a few days for the contact paper I ordered to come in.

Has anyone noticed that all the contact paper is ugly or just doesn't match anything now?  I had the hardest time picking some out.  Teal/turquoise seems to be a popular color now and I love that color but it doesn't go with my kitchen decor.  I had the same problem last year and ended up buying some contact paper with lots of fruit on it.  I put it under the sink and then realized I hated it so I didn't put it anywhere else.  I finally found one I liked (hopefully it looks the same in person) on amazon but found it for half that price on ebay with free shipping.  I really hope it looks good when I get it.  If not then at least I'm only out $6.  I have to get something though because my cabinets and drawer bottoms are getting scuffed up.

Anyway, I'm glad I felt good enough to get so much done today.  It will be great when I'm finished.

I hope everyone avoids the plague.
