I have a new picture of one of the doilies I made before. Last time it was still on the blocking board so I thought I share a picture of it without all the hundreds of pins stuck in it. My camera adds yellow to the picture so it looks a little different. My kitchen counter is a light sage green and not chicken poop yellow. The blue thread I used is a little bit darker than it looks there.
Deckchen in Altrosa by R. Dobringer |
Diagonal Furrows Mat |
I've made a bunch of washcloths this last week and I enjoy having something I don't have to think too much about to work on. I just had this one pattern I've been dying to try though and it is a bit more complicated. I needed 2 solid colors that contrast well to make it and all I had was variegated yarn or colors that are too similar so the last time I was at the craft store I picked up some yarn to make it. It is a free pattern called Checker-Square Garter Dishcloth by Kayla Pins. I did end up making it smaller since I don't like huge cloths. I only cast on 39 and I worked 2.5 repeats stopping after R15 and knitting 2 rows of white and then binding off. I like how it turned out and loved making it. It is not difficult but just takes a little more attention.
I've also made a few crochet bookmarks with thread since I'm trying to use up some smaller bits of
thread that I have left over. The first one I made hoping to use up the left over blue from that large doily I made but I still have 5 grams left, maybe enough for one more. This is called Fan Bookmark by Crochetroo and if you follow the link to the pattern take note that the pattern at the top of the page uses UK Crochet terms. She has it written with US Terms at the bottom of the page. This is a lot easier than it looks so don't be intimidated. I did make a few changes since I like to use size 10 cotton thread. I added an extra chain to all the chain loops to make a little more room I also made my tassel twice as long so it is 4 inches long finished instead of 2. I like it and think I'll keep it for myself. I do plan to make some more for gifts. This is a great time for reading and I think a little surprise in the mail might bring a smile.I hope everyone is staying safe.